Friday Prayer Verse for Hope, Joy, and Peace

Romans 15-13


Insert your name, or the name of someone you love, into the blanks in today’s prayer verse for hope, joy, and peace:

Heavenly Father, you are the God of hope.  Fill  ______ with all joy and peace as he/she trusts in you, so that _____ may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  (Romans 15:13)

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1 thought on “Friday Prayer Verse for Hope, Joy, and Peace

  1. The words I Know are, “I’ve got THE joy, joy, joy, joy…” “And I’m so happy, … I’VE got THE love of JESUS in my heart””I’ve got the love of JESUS,love of JESUS down in my heart…”I believe this a plubic domain song and you can make up almost any verse you want to go with it.Another verse we use is:”I have the love of people…”

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