With Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I figured this would be a good time to offer a prayer verse about love. The good news is that the Bible has about a zillion of them to choose from. The bad news is that the Bible has about a zillion of them to choose from.
We are called to love God, love our enemies, love each other. We see links between love and obedience, love and blessings, love and fruitful lives. We read about God’s lavish, unfathomable, and unconditional love for us. It’s all pretty incredible.
In the interest of keeping things simple, and because we could ALL do with a little more lovin’ in our lives, here’s the verse I picked – pray it for yourself or for someone you love this week:
“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else.” (1 Thessalonians 3:12)
Perfect for Valentine’s Day and everyday in between! ❤️